structure of a typical neuron
Posted in stroke basics


An illustrated neuron graphic

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neuron forest
Posted in stroke basics

The neuron forest

“Neuron” by NIH-NCATS is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Our brain contains about 100 billion neurons; it looks like a neuron forest. because a neuron is more or less similar to a tree. Neurons are a special kind of cell. At one end, it sprouts a large number of very thin short threads –…

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cropped brain surface
Posted in movement recovery after a stroke stroke basics

Homunculus on our brain surface

“Homunculus” refers to a small human or a “humanoid” creature. Do we have it on our brain surface? Yes, we can find a homunculus (figuratively) as a map in our brain. Not just one, in fact, we have “two little humanoids”!. This is the story behind this amazing discovery. In…

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